Harish Shankar, the director of Gabbar Singh, wrote on the twitter that Shruti Hassan is the heroine of his film. Following the rumours, which he says are not true, he made it a point to clarify it to the world.
Tweeting on the micro-blogging site, he also said that the heroine is very much excited about her role in the movie. Gabbar Singh, as is well-known, the remake of Hindi film Dabbang.
There was speculation that Pawan Kalyan's romantic interest in the movie would be someone else, not Shruti. Just as wea awaited an official confirmation (or rebuttal), Harish Shankar, who is an avid twitterian, clarified it some hours ago.
The celebrated girl, who wowed the audience with her subtle performance in Oh My Friend, would join the shooting in December. It may be noted that some scenes were reportedly shot on her some weeks ago.
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